Posts tagged “facebook

Social Media as A Tool for Advancing Revival

I am currently in a discussion on Google+ (another social network) with church workers from all over the country.  We are sharing ideas on how social media can be used to advance sustainable revival.  Much has been made about “unauthentic” posting – that people will not be truthful about what they post.  To some extent, I agree; I think it’s human nature to attempt to paint ourselves in the most positive light.  At the same time, that’s the very thing that we must work against as believers.  Jesus tells us very clearly in scripture to “deny ourselves.”  Humbleness is a virtue that seems to be lacking all around us, including in social media.

I believe we CAN use social media as an effective means to help advance sustainable revival.  We need to be intentional when we post something online for the world to see.  Why post negative remarks?  Why argue?  Why sacrifice my testimony by reposting a crass joke just because I think it is funny?  How is that spreading the Good News?  To this end, I have set a goal for myself that I think would be great for all believers to consider if we are serious about being the new creations that God has made us into, and if we are to utilize this powerful social medium to advance the Kingdom.

My goal:  To only post things on social networks that are edifying, uplifting, encouraging, testifying, and proclaiming – I will give my best effort in this towards advancing the Kingdom of God.